
Multimedia installation in "SNOWNO SHOW," iEAR Fall Exhibition, December 12, 2004, West Hall, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY

Victory/Concession depicts the Bush and Kerry presidential campaigns at the moments of their closure. Victory/Concession retraces the myths of evangelical Christianity, moral values, urban and rural, and red and blue, and exposes devious campaign strategies and a complicated country.

The multimedia installation is centered around a game board with pieces scattered upon it, aparently abandoned. Red and blue-colored state shaped pieces and an array of cards representing campaign figures, tactics, and constituencies, among other entities. Attached to velcro TV-shaped cards are screenshots from Kerry and Bush campaign commercials.

At either end of the game board, perched atop chairs, and backed by reading lamps, are video monitors. On one side of the room, John Kerry delivers his concession speech. George W. Bush proclaims victory from the other. In the rooms forr corners, speakers play back a vague and scrambled assemblage of the two speeches.

Kathy High, Shawn Lawson, Penny Lane, and others view Victory/Concession Jesse shows Victory/Concession to Neil Rolnick, Mary Anne Staniszewski, Lindsay and Ilene Karlsberg-Gerstein, and others Close-up view of the game board The game board Mid-range view of Victory/Concession View of Victory/Concession from the door View of Victory/Concession from behind the Bush television Kerry's concession speech Bush's victory speech