Lawrence, Shade
Complementary installations in "MaFiA Show," iEAR Fall Exhibition, May 8, 2005, West Hall, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Lawrence mixes diary, tunebook, and recorded spoken word, creating a new home for journal entries removed from Jesse's personal website.
Shade is a five-channel sound installation expressing Jesse's relationship to a shape note music song written 200 years ago.
The installation is constructed out of a recording of Stephen Jenks' "Evening Shade," 1805, words by John Leland, 1796. "Evening Shade" was sung by Joanne Fuller, Caz Lewis, Bliss McIntosh, Robbie McIntosh, Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, Pam Regan, Mary Skidmore, Claudia Smigelski, and Kerry Woods, and was recorded by Jesse, with help from Carrie Dashow and Simca Lena Horwitz.